Winery of the Week: The Winery at La Grange in Haymarket, Virginia

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We continue to explore new wineries around the state during the coronavirus crisis.  This week we chose the Winery at La Grange, located outside of Haymarket in Prince William County, Virginia.  Our visit was on a Wednesday morning, with thunderstorms predicted all day.  Never known to be feint of heart we decided to head out and hope for the best.

One of the reasons we chose this winery is they did not require reservations on weekdays (starting on this day) and they did not require a deposit or fee to make a reservation.  Of course another on one our requirements is that children are welcome.

We arrived exactly at noon, opening time.  As the children and I unpacked the car and waited for our friends to arrive it began to rain.  We chose to wait under one of the many large trees next to a table and wait for the rest of our party to arrive before making any decisions.  Soon after, the bartender asked if we would like to sit inside.

The Winery at La Grange

The Manor House at The Winery at La Grange in Haymarket, VA

The Winery at La Grange

The vines at The Winery at La Grange









We were the only ones there, so we agreed.  We were led upstairs into the eighteenth century manor house to a room known as the parlor.  It featured two tables, one with three chairs and one with two chairs, a coffee table with three parlor chairs, and a restroom.  We stayed inside for a bit as we ate our lunch and the children played some of the games we had brought.  Before we knew it, the rain had passed, so we packed up and went outside to enjoy the grounds.

We were still the only patrons, so that gave us a little more freedom with the children than we had expected.  They were able to play some outside and we took a group walk around the grounds as well (this would not have been possible if others had been at the tables).

The Winery at La Grange

I really enjoyed the bottle of red that we drank.  The grounds were impressive as well.  There were tons of large picnic tables with lots of space between them.  The outdoor bar was also very large.  The house and the outdoor areas are both beautiful, the staff was amazing, and the setting is beautiful.  Almost all of the tables are under tree cover as well providing all important shade in the Virginia summer.

This winery is a popular spot for events and I believe is very busy on the weekends.  But early on a weekday at opening time, I suspect it will always be less crowded.  I look forward to trying this one again.

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