TripsWithKevin Flashback: 10 years ago today.
June 29, 2018
Today started with breakfast, more tin whistle, more hurling and a game of Snap as Gaeilge. Once we got assembled we headed to Teampall Chaoimhín (Temple Cavan). On our last visit we got very close but didn’t actually make it into the field. Using what we learned from last time, we parked next to the pier in Málainn Bhig instead of driving on the dirt road. We were met by a cute little dog that was staying in the house next to the pier.
We walked to the end of the road and finally reached the church! This church is said to have been used as a hostel for pilgrims visiting Rathlin O’Birne (the island with the lighthouse that can be seen when you enter the field).. The wall that used to surround the church was obvious but I didn’t find the cross slab that is associated with the site.
I would have liked to spend a few more minutes, but there was a ram in the field who appeared to be rather agitated at our presence (and we felt bad) so once I had a look at everything we didn’t linger.
Once we had walked back to the car and finished admiring the amazing scenery, we drove to Cill Charta to visit the Spanish Church.

As Liam and I were walking along the road back to the car he looked over and “Wow, that’s beautiful.”
While I have driven past the Spanish Church countless times I had never been inside until today. I was glad to finally see it. The story goes that a few hundred years ago a Spanish sailor was shipwrecked and stranded on a nearby cliff and no one was able to reach him. The local priest went to provide assistance on his horse and eventually climbed down the cliffs, rescued the sailor and brought him to safety. The Spaniard then gave the priest a bag of gold and instructed him to build a church here and another in Gleann Cholm Cille.
We then returned to the house, after a brief stop at the shop in An Charriag, and ate lunch. It was another warm day (28°), so after lunch we headed back out with a mission of going to the beach at Muckross Head. Unfortunately we didn’t go far enough along the road and got discouraged by a different sign for “An Trá”. Instead we head to the beach in Gleann instead.
The children again had an incredible time. Eventually we headed back to the house. Today is our last night in Teileann so we left a little extra time this evening to get prepared for our departure. Every time I am in this part of Donegal I am shocked at how often the scenery surprises.
Liam’s Highlight of the Day: Being in the sheep pasture at Teampeall Chaoimhín
Fionnuala’s Hightlight of the Day: Getting washed off with a bucket after returning from the beach
Gaeilge Experience: Only TV today. We didn’t really interact with anyone outside of the family except at the shop in An Charraig.