Twenty years ago I made a solo trip to Ireland. It was a new millennium, I had just finished my first year at my new job, and I was 25 years old. Looking back on it I can still remember how excited and nervous I was at the same time. Off I went on a solo journey across the ocean for a two month whirlwind that would change my life and the way I look at the world.
Growing up my parents always made sure that the family had a nice (usually two week) vacation in the summer time. We didn’t have tons of money, but we did have my mother who had (and still has) an impressive talent for making money go farther than it appears it should. Though our trips were always within the United States, Rick Steves would have been proud of the way my parents traveled on a budget while still seeing all of the attractions that each place had to offer. By the time I was 18 I had seen every one of the contiguous United States except for those west of the Rocky Mountains. We saw the country through campgrounds, with the trailers growing bigger as income and family size increased.
It turns out that this was all preparing me to love and appreciate the experience of travel. 2020 abruptly stopped our much anticipated return to Ireland and confined us to the immediate vicinity of our house for much of the year. Though we were able to squeeze in some shorter trips (some of them wonderful) it made me appreciate these listed below even more. This site began on George Mason University’s server in 2000. It chronicled my 2000 summer in Ireland and my experience at the O’Donovan Millennial Gathering. Some of you have been following since then. Thank you!
Trips With Kevin’s Top 10 Trips
#10 England and Wales June and July 1993
Although this predates TripsWithKevin.com, this was the trip that launched my love of travel. In many ways it shaped many of the things with which I am still slightly obsessed including stone circles, megaliths, castles, and ancient Rome. It was here that my fascination with Wales and the city of Chester began. I only took two rolls of film with me and not many photos survived, but I posted a handful of pictures earlier this year.
#9 The Cherry Blossoms, Washington, DC March 2020
Normally this visit would not have made a list like this. This year however it deserves a place. Just as COIVD 19 was emerging and things were being closed down the Cherry Blossoms on Washington, D.C.’s Tidal Basin were in peak bloom. At the time I had no idea that this was the beginning of a year long (hopefully not more) period of our lives nor that it would change everything about how we live. Though we went very early in the day to avoid the crowds and spent less time than we typically would have, it was in many ways our last “normal” trip anywhere to see anything and it was beautiful.
#8 Anna Maria Island, Florida May 2016
This is my favorite place that we’ve visited in Florida and I can’t wait to return one day. Definitely a taste of “Old Florida” which is always going to go over well with me. Anna Maria Island is a beautiful, peaceful, relaxing place that I have already researched for a return visit.
#7 Lusby, Maryland November 2020
Though technically in the same metro area as our home, this was our first time venturing out in months. A welcome getaway that we wished was longer. In one of 2020’s few wonderful moments, it was unseasonably warm and made for a great stay at the beach. Notable as our first consummated airbnb stay, this is on our list for a return stay.
#6 Ireland June and July 2014
This trip was amazing and was our children’s first overseas trip. I was tempted to rank this trip higher but settled on this spot for a few reasons. The trip was only a week (much shorter than our other trips to Ireland) and wasn’t quite as relaxing as it might have been. The children were young (five and two) which limited our windows of opportunity and sometimes meant we had to rush through some sights. All of that said, this trip was wonderful. I saw lots of things I had never seen before and we discovered a house that we love.
#5 Ireland June and July 2016
Our second trip to Ireland with the children. Building on what we learned from our previous trip we were able to make some adjustments and have an even better and more relaxing trip. We saw lots of new sights and were able to revisit some places I had always wanted to see again. An absolutely wonderful trip with some truly magical days.
#4 Ireland June and July 2018
Our third trip to Ireland as a family was nearly perfect! The unusually weather warm with hardly any rain was perfect for sight-seeing. We were able to visit some of my favorite spots from my 2000 trip, stayed in some amazing houses, explored a lot of new places and fell in love with many of them. While we logged a lot of miles, none of it felt rushed. It was as great a trip as any of us could have hoped for.
#3 Ireland June and July 2008
This was our honeymoon and we saw the whole island! As you always hope will happen, we created some special memories that neither of us will forget. As we wandered around the island we were consistently exposed to startling scenery and friendly people. It was an incredible way to begin our life together.
#2 Scotland (and Ghleann Cholm Cille) June, July, August 2006
I had never been to Scotland before and now we can’t wait to return. We were blessed with perfect weather (the warmest in recorded history for Scotland) and were able to make the most of the extended summer daylight. While mainland Scotland was wonderful, we were even more awestruck by our time in the Orkneys. This trip is also when TripsWithKevin readers were introduced to Sarah and my parents!
#1 Ireland June, July, August 2000
The trip that started this site. This trip began with the O’Donovan Millennium Gathering. I then spent a week wandering up the west coast by myself. Then I spent six weeks in Donegal learning Irish. My trip ended on the August Bank Holiday weekend with the first Witnness Festival (thanks to friendships made at the Gathering). It was a magical summer for me that changed my life in many ways. I hope everyone has an opportunity to experience something like this in their own life.